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Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics

Vol. 25, no. 4, 2023

  1. Analyzing ligament prestrain in a multibody model of an ankle joint with random sampling
  2. Influence of bioactive metal fillers on antimicrobial properties of PA12 composites produced by laser-based powder bed fusion of polymers
    P.Gruber, P.Szymczyk-Ziółkowska, M.Olejarczyk, A.Junka, K.Fabianowska-Majewska, M.Brozyna, T.Kurzynowski
  3. Analysis of segmental coordination in the lower extremity using vector coding: a pilot return-to-play study of acute ankle sprain
    X.Yang, H.Jiang, P.Yu, Q.Mei, J.Fernandez, Y.Gu
  4. Adipose derived stem cells and ginkgo biloba extract-loaded PCL/gelatin nanofibrous scaffolds for peripheral nerve injury repair: the impact of physical activity
    H.Gong, Z.Chen
  5. Effect of wearing high-heeled shoes on postural control and foot loading symmetry
    M.Błażkiewicz, A.Hadamus
  6. Contribution of ligaments to intersegmental stability following type II odontoid fracture
    D.Danka, I.Bojtár
  7. Bioactive glasses enriched with zinc and strontium: synthesis, characterization, cytocompatibility with osteoblasts and antibacterial properties
    L.Ciołek, M.Chraniuk, P.Bollin, M.Biernat, M.Panasiuk, D.Nidzworski, B.Gromadzka, Z.Jaegermann, E.Pamuła
  8. Underwater and surface tethered swimming, lower limb strength, and somatic traits as the basic indices of young swimmers’ sprint performance
    K.Sokołowski, R.F.Bartolomeu, P.Krężałek, J.A.Bragada, T.Pałka, D.Ambroży, M.Strzała
  9. Study on glass forming ability and corrosion performance of Ca based biomedical materials
    J.Feng, Y.Wang, D.Liu, Y.Zhang, G.Geng
  10. Protocol: A randomized parallel-group study of women after hallux valgus correction surgery to compare the effects of “core foot system” training vs. traditional rehabilitation methods
    M.Baran, P.Kołodziejski, K.Kaczmarczyk
  11. Poly (lactide-co-glycolide) microspheres with good biocompatibility
    R.An, W.Tang, Z.Zhao, W.Liu, L.Kan
  12. A comprehensive experimental study on head trauma in a 3-year-old child due to unmanned aerial vehicle collisions
    R.Perz, I.Dąbrowski, F.Zakrzewski, M.Kuminiarczyk, A.Kopyt
  13. Biomechanical assessment of lumbar stability: finite element analysis of TLIF with a novel combination of coflex, and pedicle screws
    S.Meganathan, M.S.Alphin
  14. Effects of shoelace tightness on lower limb biomechanics and subjective perception during lateral shuffle in basketball
    Y.Tang, X.Guo, T.Zhou, L.Li, J.Gao, Y.Wang, L.Huang, S.Wei
  15. The impact and correlation of running landing methods on leg movement ability
    C.Chen, H.Wu, Y.Wang, H.Hsieh, T.Wang, S.Wang
  16. Determinants of towing effectiveness in water rescue
    A.Stanula, A.Kula, A.Ostrowski, W.Sadowski, W.Rejdych, J.Karpiński
Politechnika Wrocławska © 2025

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